Adventure cabaret of two managers on the day.
Date: 09/02/2017
Place: Kino Akropola, Ul. P. Križku
Time: 04:00 PM
Entrance fee: 10€
Cabaret journey to the roots of our civilization, a.k.a. two managers hit the bottom.
Did you know that consumerism was born in the Garden of Eden? That without the 4000-year-old story about Gilgamesh, we would not be able to grasp human desires? That the “invisible hand of the market” was here long before the first theories of economy? In 2009, the Czech economist Tomáš Sedláček released an excitin book called “The Economy Of Good And Evil”, which became an international bestseller. The dramatisation of this economical book, performed in a non-traditional use of language, with elements of an ironic cabaret was written and directed by Rastislav Ballek.
After the stockbroker loses everything, maybe he starts asking the question “What is the meaning of economy?” for the first time. This situation became familiar again after 2008. Is economy good, or bad? The difference between a successful manager and a vagrant on an abandoned road suddenly isn’t very big and they share the desire to understand their fall. The play is a collection of observations from the fields of economy, philosophy, mythology, theology and the analysis of popular culture via comedic monologues, dance choreographies, projections, singing numbers and even a rap number, performed by two actors and one musical multi-talent. The trio of Gregor Hološka, Ján Jackuliak, and Samuel Hošek is responsible for all of the above. An adventurous play face-to-face with the current economic situation.
“The Economy of Good And Evil” is the first production of the civic association Flaherty, founded in 2016 by Ján Jackuliak. Currently, they perform in the spaces of Studio L+S in Bratislava. The author of the book, Tomáš Sedláček, will also visit Kremnica for this performance.
More at: www.studios.sk
Nominated for the international award Golden Gander